The Utilities Committee is meeting 06/08/2021 at 5PM The main action item is voting on an ordinance change that will “clarify under what circumstances triple valving will be required for new and redeveloped commercial properties.” Per the memo, this appears to apply to commercial properties […]
Category: Utilities Committee
Utilities Committee Meeting 05/25/2021
The Utilities Committee is meeting 05/25/2021 at 5PM. I must admit, my eyes glazed over when I read the sentence, “The “mixed liquor” flow from activated sludge processes that contains the previously described floc is split between each of the six secondary clarifiers from which […]
Utilities Committee Meeting Scheduled For 05/11/2021
The Utilities Committee is meeting 05/11/2021 at 5PM. This meeting promises to be as scintillating as utilities committee meetings typically are. They will be voting to award a contract for sanitary and storm sewer cleaning and televising in an amount not to exceed $272,500. They […]
Utilities Committee Scheduled For 04/27/2021
The Utilities Committee is meeting 04/27/2021 at 5PM. It doesn’t look like too much is going on. The one action item is electing a committee Vice-Chair. Information items will include reviewing the proposed postponement of some 2021 Utility construction projects and reviewing the monthly reports […]
Utilities Committee Meeting Scheduled For 02/09/2021
The Utilities Committee is meeting on 02/09/2021 at 5pm. They have only one agenda item…voting on whether or not to “Award sole source purchase of Water Plant High Service Pump #5 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) equipment and commissioning services to Werner Electric in the amount […]
Utilities Committee Meeting 01/26/2021
The Utilities Committee is meeting on 01/26/2021 at 5pm. They’ll be voting on awarding 2 project contracts, one for the Sludge Storage Addition Project and one for the Solids Dewatering Equipment Upgrades Project. There will also be a discussion about Stormwater Permit Requirements for Illicit […]
Utilities Committee Meeting 12/08/2020
The Utilities Committee is meeting 12/08 at 5pm. There’s a lot of stormwater consulting services being contracted, an $816 change in a project, and a review of October water main breaks along with a memo on the 3 different ways one can price the water […]
Utilities Committee Agenda For 11/10/2020 Meeting
The Utilities Committee is meeting 11/10/2020 at 5pm. They’ll be voting on awarding a drainage study contract to Stormwater Consulting Services not to exceed $47,500. They’ll also take up the resolution that was discussed at the recent Finance Committee Meeting which would let Menasha go […]
Utilities Committee Meeting 11/04/2020
It may not be as interesting as the election, but on 11/04/2020 at 5:45pm there is a special meeting of the Utilities Committee. They’ll be voting on updating the pollutants definitions and increasing the contract amount for a contract they have with McMahon. Meeting details […]
Utilities Committee Agenda For 10/27/2020 Meeting
The Utilities Committee is meeting 10/27 at 5pm. On the agenda… Revision of the municipal code to update the definition of “pollutant”. Increase McMahon’s contract cost by $49,630. They’ve been updating the wastewater treatment plant. During the course of that work, “other critical operation and […]