Fox Cities Transit Commission Discusses Termination Of Route 10 Between Neenah And Oshkosh, Neenah Transit Center Relocation Study

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 06/21/2022. They received a couple of information items pertaining to Winnebago County. The first item was basically just a note that Winnebago County was putting together a budget that excluded funding for Route 10, shutting down the route at […]

Transit Commission Discusses Staffing Levels, Receives Revenue and Ridership Reports For May

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 06/21/2022 during which they approved the May payments and received several reports. During the approval of payments, they briefly discussed the filling of shifts at Valley Transit. Alderperson Maiyoua Thao (District 7) asked if Valley Transit was still providing […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 06/21/2022 – Will Review May Ridership And Revenue, Receive Valley Transit II Update, Discuss Neenah Transit Center Relocation Study

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 06/21/2022 at 3PM. They only have one action item on the agenda which is the approval of the May 2022 payments. The other items are information items which include the May financial report and the May ridership report. […]

Transit Commission Receives Update On Valley Transit II – Service Has Sufficient Drivers But Is Struggling To Hire Dispatchers

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 05/24/2022 and received a brief update on the Valley Transit II service for elderly and disabled people provided by Running, Inc. This service had struggled earlier in the year with long wait times and delays caused by a lack […]

Transit Commission Votes To Approve Contract For Transit Center Needs Assessment And Master Plan Study

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 05/24/2022. One of the items they took up was a request to approve a Contract for Professional Services for Transit Center Needs Assessment and Master Plan to LHB Corporation for a total amount not to exceed $179,348.75. The commission […]

Transit Commission Meeting 05/24/2022 – Will Vote On A Contract For A Transit Center Needs Assessment And Master Plan

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 05/24/2022 at 3PM. They will be voting on a contract for professional services for a Transit Center Needs Assessment and Master Plan. As you may recall, during the March 2022 meeting, Valley Transit General Manager Ron McDonald talked […]

Transit Commission Discusses “Trippers”, Lack Of Coordination Between Transit Schedule And School Start And End Times

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 04/26/2022. One of the items they discussed was the “Tripper” routes. I didn’t know what “Trippers” were, but apparently, they’re special routes that Valley Transit runs during the school year that students can ride for free. The Appleton Area […]

Transit Commission Receives Update On Valley Transit II Services – 5 New Drivers Hired, On-Time Performance Up To 96%

The Transit Commission met 04/26/2022 and received an update on the Valley Transit II service for elderly and disabled people provided by Running, Inc. This service had struggled earlier in the year with long wait times and delays caused by a lack of drivers. During […]

Finance Committee And Transit Commission Vote To Amend Lamers Contract To Run Downtown Trolley, Increasing Total Cost By $5,000

Both the Finance Committee (on 04/25/2022) and the Transit Commission (on 04/26/2022) took up a request to approve a contract amendment between Valley Transit and Lamers Bus Lines for the trolley service that runs on weekends in the downtown area. This was a very rushed […]

Transit Commission Meeting 04/26/2022 – Will Receive Valley Transit II Update, Review March Ridership, Vote On Contract Amendment Request From Lamers

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 04/26/2022 at 3PM. The one action item that is not a routine item is the Valley Transit Contract Amendment Request by Lamers Bus Lines. There is nothing in the agenda packet indicating what the amendment is regarding. They […]