Municipal Services Committee Meeting 02/20/2023 – Will Receive Update On College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Proposal, Vote On 2 Year Bird E-Scooter Agreement

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 02/20/2023 at 4:30PM. There are a couple items that may be of particular interest to the public: an update on the College Avenue lane reconfiguration proposal and a request to enter into an agreement to allow the Bird E-scooters […]

Municipal Services Committee Denies Snow Removal Fee Waiver Request, Amends Prospect Avenue/5th Street Parking Trial Request, Approves State/Municipal Agreement For Lawe Street Reconstruction Project

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/06/2023. A majority of the meeting was taken up with discussion about the proposed College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration; however, the committee did also vote on a number of action items and get updates on several information items unrelated to the […]

Municipal Services Committee Discusses Proposed College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration – Reviews History Of Proposal, Listens To Residents’ Concerns

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/06/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up with a discussion about the possible lane-reconfiguration of College Avenue. During the 01/23/2023 committee meeting, city staff had presented the idea of re-striping downtown College Avenue between State Street and Drew Street, […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 02/06/2023 – Will Vote On Lawe Street Reconstruction Agreement Between City And State, Review Resident’s Request To Waive Snow Removal Assessment

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 02/06/2023 at 4:30PM. There are three action items on the agenda. One is a request from a resident to have her sidewalk snow removal assessment of $118.50 waived. Over the years, numerous requests to waive fees and assessments have […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Update To Municipal Code Clarifying Rules Around Driveway Extensions

The Municipal Services Committee met 01/23/2023. One of the action items they took up was a request to approve proposed changes to Municipal Code 19-91. These changes did not impact the way the code is currently enforced and were more intended to clarify the code […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives Presentation On College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration – Plan Would Reduce College Avenue To 2 Directional Lanes And 1 Center Turn Lane, Add Bike Lanes

The Municipal Services Committee met 01/23/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up with a presentation on the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Presentation. Essentially, the city plans to reduce College Avenue between State Street and Drew Street from 4 lanes (two in each direction) to […]

Common Council Approves Sole Source Purchase Request For Downtown Street Reconstruction Streetscape Elements – Alderperson Hartzheim Expresses Concern That Style Guide Unnecessarily Locks City Into Sole Source Contracts

The Common Council met 01/18/2023. One of the action items separated out for an individual vote was a critical timing 2023 sole source purchase request for Downtown streetscape elements for the Oneida/Lawrence/Durkee/Morrison street reconstruction project. This item was the subject of a special meeting of […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 01/23/2023 – Will Receive Presentation On Proposed College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 01/23/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on several street occupancy permits including one for Avenue of Ice on the weekend of February 17, 2023. I would expect that the more interesting part of the meeting will be the […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 01/09/2023 – Will Vote On Sole Source Purchase Request For Traffic Equipment, Receive Information On 2023 Sidewalk Poetry Program

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 01/09/2023 at 4:30PM. They have two action items they will be voting on. The first is a sole source purchase request for various traffic equipment and technologies, and the second is a 2023 Materials Testing Contract. The committee will […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves All Items – Discusses Issues With Closed Appleton Landfill, Pacific/Appleton/Oneida Street Vacation

The Municipal Services Committee met 12/12/2022. It was a brief meeting clocking in at only 10 ½ minutes, and the committee voted to approve all items with only minimal discussion. I’ve prepared a transcript of the full meeting. Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) is not […]