Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 10/12/2022 – Will Vote On Fringe Benefit Policy Change, 2023-25 Fire Fighter Contract

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 10/12/2022 at 6:30PM. The two action items on the agenda consist of a request to approve the Fire Fighter 2023-2025 contract and a request to approve the Fringe Benefit Policy Change. It looks like the main […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Votes To Hold 2024 Aldermanic Salary Discussions Until October 26

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 09/14/2022. One of the items that had been on the agenda was a request to approve alderperson salaries for the 2024 aldermanic year. State Statute 62.09(6)(am)2 prevents elected officials from voting on their own salary changes, so […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 09/14/2022 – Will Discuss And Vote On Aldermanic Salary Raise For 2024

The Human Resouces and Information Technology Committee is meeting this evening, 09/14/2022, at 6:30PM. There are a couple of action items related to Parks, Recreation, and Facilities positions, but I would think that the action item of most interest to the public is the one […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 08/24/2022 – Will Receive Update On Valley Transit Driver Sign-On Bonus Program, Review Human Resources Dashboard

The Human Resources And Information Technology Committee is meeting 08/24/2022 at 6:30PM. There are no action items, but there are several information items. The committee will be receiving an update on the Valley Transit Driver Sign-on Bonus Program and a proposed Library Table of Organization […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 07/27/2022 – Will Receive Mid-Year Budget Reports, Update On Valley Transit Bus Driver Recruitment Bonus Program

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting tonight, 07/27/2022, at 6:30PM. There are no action items but they will be receiving several information items including the Human Resources 2022 Mid-Year Budget Report, the Information Technology 2022 Mid-Year Report, and update on the Valley […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 07/13/2022 – Will Receive Updates On Police Department Bonus Programs, Recruitment Status Report

The Human Resources And Information Technology Committee is meeting 07/13/2022 at 6:30PM. They have no action items, but they will be receiving several information items including updates on the Police Officer Hiring Bonus Program, the Community Service Officer Bonus Program, and the Recruitment Status Report. […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves 3 Over Hire Requests Ahead Of Retirement Of 3 Long-Time City Employees

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 05/25/2022. The three action items they took up were all requests to over hire positions prior to the departure of three different employees. All three of the requests were fairly basic and all three were approved unanimously. […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Receives Update On 2022 Compensation Study

The Human Resource and Information Technology Committee met 05/25/2022. It was not a long meeting, clocking in at under 20 minutes. One of the items they talked about was an informational update on the 2022 Compensation Study. Per the memo from January asking for the […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 05/25/2022 – Will Vote On 3 Over Hire Requests

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 05/25/2022 at 6:30PM. The three action items are all requests to over-hire for various positions in order to allow the city to keep a retiring employee on staff for a month or two after their replacement […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Receives Update On IT System Assessment – Told One Of The Police Department Fiber Optics Cables Is Not Functioning

The Humana Resources and Information Technology Committee met 04/27/2022. One of the information items on the agenda was an update on the IT infrastructure systems and vulnerability assessment that is currently underway. That assessment was approved in March and the purpose and scope of it […]