Finance Committee Meeting 01/09/2023 – Will Vote On Contract For Sanitary And Storm Sewer Lining Project

The Finance Committee is meeting 01/09/2023 at 5:30PM. Only one action item is on the agenda, a request to award a sanitary and storm sewer lining project contract for $626,000. There are also four information items which are updates on several contracts. View full meeting […]

Finance Committee Votes 5-0 Against Resolution That Would Have Ended Alderperson Parking Pass Benefit

The Finance Committee met 12/12/2022 and took up Resolution 12-R-22 which called for the elimination of the Council parking pass benefit, valued at $480 per alderperson per year, and the reallocation of those funds to the city’s concrete budget. The resolution was introduced by Alderpersons […]

Finance Committee Meeting 12/12/2022 – Will Vote On Resolution To Eliminate Alderperson Parking Pass Benefit

The Finance Committee is meeting 12/12/2022 at 5:30PM. It looks like a fairly heavy agenda. The action item I would expect would result in the most amount of discussion is Resolution 12-R-22 which would eliminate the Common Council’s parking pass benefit. During the Public Hearings […]

Finance Committee Approves Sole Source GIS Contract, Waste Water Treatment Plant Equipment Upgrades Project

The Finance Committee met 11/21/2022. The meeting was brief and the two action items were approve unanimously. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the meeting for download. The request to approve a sole-source contract for a three-year license with ESRI for GIS services was approved […]

Finance Committee Meeting 11/21/2022 – Will Vote On Sole Source GIS Services Contract

The Finance Committee is meeting 11/21/2022 at 5:30PM. The agenda is pretty light and does not appear to have any controversial items on it. The first action item is a request to award a waste water treatment plant project for $5.8 million. The second action […]

Finance Committee Meeting 11/07/2022 – Will Vote On Two Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects

The Finance Committee is meeting 11/07/2022 at 5:30PM. It does not look like it will be a particularly eventful meeting. There are only two action items: (1) a request to award a wastewater treatment plant remodeling project for $312,616 along with a $60,000 budget amendment […]

Finance Committee Meeting 10/24/2022 – Will Review 2023 Department Budgets, Go To Closed Session To Discuss Litigation

The Finance Committee is meeting 10/24/2022 at 5:30PM. There are no action items, but there are a number of information items. The committee will receive updates on change orders for four contracts. They will also receive the 2023 budgets for various department. Finally, the committee […]

Finance Committee Rejects One Project Bid, Approves Another Bid After Project Scope Reduced, Approves Budget Amendment Related To Library Project

The Finance Committee met 10/10/2022 and voted on a number of projects. Although staff was not requesting that they reject multiple bids as they did back on 08/22/2022 and again for the Library Project bids, there were still a couple projects that were indicative of […]