Finance Committee Meeting 06/19/2023 – Will Vote On Library Project Bid Packages, Total Cost Comes In Just Shy Of $31 Million

The Finance Committee is holding a special meeting on 06/19/2023 at 5PM to review and vote on a request to approve the bid packages for the Library project. The taxpayer funded portion of the project was supposed to be no more than $26.4 million, but […]

Finance Committee Receives Presentation On Performance Of City’s Bond Portfolio

The Finance Committee met 06/12/2023. During that meeting they received a presentation on the performance of the city’s bond portfolio. This presentation was given by Michael Maloney, a portfolio manager as US Bank who manages Appleton’s bonds. The presentation and discussion were fairly high level […]

Finance Committee Meeting 06/12/2023 – Will Receive Presentation On City’s Investment Performance

The Finance Committee is meeting 06/12/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be receiving a presentation from a US Bank representative on investment performance. I would expect this to take up the most time during the meeting. They will also be voting on three action items, one […]

Finance Committee Approved Budget Amendment For Vehicle Purchase, 2023 Masonry Repairs Contract, $3 Million Cash Advance From Stormwater Utility Fund To Wastewater Utility Fund

The Finance Committee met 05/22/2023. They took up three action items and were over and done in under 5 minutes. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download. The first item was a request to approve a 2023 Budget Amendment of $22,040 to record […]

Finance Committee Meeting 05/22/2023 – Will Vote On $3 Million Cash Advance From Stormwater Utility Fund To Wastewater Utility Fund

The Finance Committee is meeting 05/22/2023 at 5:30PM. They are being asked to approve a budget amendment recording a Hazardous Materials Fund purchase of vehicles from the Central Equipment Agency. They will also be voting on the request to award the city’s 2023 Masonry Repairs […]

Finance Committee Meeting 05/17/2023 – Will Vote On Water Treatment Facility Contract, Reid Golf Course Budget Amendment

The Finance Committee is holding a special meeting 05/17/2023 at 6:30PM ahead of the Common Council meeting at 7PM. They will take up two requests. One is a request to award a contract for the Appleton Water Treatment Facility Phosphoric Acid Treatment Project to August […]

Finance Committee Approves Agreement To Lease Dance Studio Space In Northland Mall

The Finance Committee met 04/24/2023. One of the items they voted on was a request to approve leasing space in the Northland Mall for dance studio space contingent on approval of a potential development agreement related to City Center. The Finance Committee voted 5-0 to […]

Finance Committee Meeting 04/24/2023 – Will Vote On Northland Mall Rental Space, Adding Additional Space In City Center, Approving Agreement With Goodwill To Fund Upgrades To Miracle Field In Memorial Park

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/24/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be taking care of some housekeeping items associated with the start of the new Council year including electing a vice-chair and electing members to serve on various boards. There are also 5 non-housing keeping action […]

Finance Committee Meeting 04/10/2023 – Will Vote On Several Maintenance Contracts

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/10/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on a number of maintenance contracts including the Unit X-23 Water Main Reconstruction contract that had to be reduced in scope and rebid after the initial bids all came in over budget. They […]

Finance Committee Votes To Reject All Bids For 2023 Water Main Reconstruction Project – Project Came In $400,000 Over Budget, Will Be Reduced In Scope And Sent Out For Rebidding

The Finance Committee met 03/20/2023. The entire meeting lasted around 12 and a half minutes. Among the items the committee took up were a request to award the D-23 Sidewalk Construction contract, a request to award the E-23 Miscellaneous Concrete and Street Excavation, a request […]