Finance Committee Meeting 04/25/2022 – Will Vote On Contract For Ellen Kort Peace Park Trail, Review 2021 Green Tier Legacy Community Annual Report

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/25/2022 at 5:30PM. They’ll be electing a Vice-Chair, Tax Appeals members, and a CEA Board member. Outside of those, they have 9 action items they will be voting on. Most of them seem pretty routine. One item of interest is […]

Finance Committee Meeting 03/21/2022 – Will Vote On Employment Incentives For Seasonal Employees

The Finance Committee is meeting 03/21/2022 at 5:30PM. They have a request to approve deeding some unneeded city owned land to the abutting property in the Village of Little Chute. There are also some 2021 budget amendments and a request to award the city’s Hardscape […]

Finance Committee Approves Communication, Technology, And Pedestrian Safety Resolution After Amending It To Reflect Staff Recommendations

The Finance Committee met 03/07/2022 and took up Resolution 2-R-22. This resolution was introduced on 01/19/2022 in response to Unlisted, LLC withdrawing from consideration for the city branding contract and as originally written, called for the money currently designated for the city rebranding effort to […]

Finance Committee Meeting 03/07/2022 – Will Take Up Resolution Reallocating City Brand Funds

The Finance Committee is meeting 03/07/2022 at 5:30PM. They will be at a minimum again discussing Resolution 2-R-22 which is the resolution that would take the money currently set aside for the city’s branding study and reallocate it as follows: $100,000 for an website […]

Finance Committee Votes On 4 Property Tax Refund Requests – Approves 2, Denies 2

The Finance Committee met 02/21/2022. Although they had eight action items on the agenda, it was a short meeting lasting slightly less than 15 minutes. The first two items they took up were the requests from Vantage Financial Leasing to refund their 2020 personal property […]

Finance Committee Meeting 02/21/2022 – Will Vote On Four Requests To Refund Property Taxes, Approve A Covid-19 Budget Amendment Request

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/21/2022 at 5:30PM. They have a couple project contracts they have been requested to award. They then will be voting on four requests for refund of property taxes. Staff is recommending that two requests be denied and two requests be […]

Finance Committee Votes To Hold Resolution Reallocating City Brand Funds Until March 7 Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee met 02/07/2022. There were six action items on the agenda. The committee spent the first five or so minutes approving five of those items, but the bulk of the meeting was taken up with discussion of Resolution 2-R-22 which would take the […]

Finance Committee Meeting 02/07/2022 – Will Discuss And Vote On Resolution 2-R-22 To Improve Communication, Technology, and Pedestrian Safety

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/07/2022 at 5:30PM. The first item on the agenda and the one I would expect to garner the most discussion is Resolution #2-R-22. If passed this resolution would take the money currently allocated for a city brand study and reallocate […]