Finance Committee Meeting 10/10/2022 – Will Vote On Bid Rejection For Waste Water Treatment Plant Project

The Finance Committee is meeting 10/10/2022 at 5:30PM. There are several city project contracts they have been requested to approve and one that staff is requesting they reject. Regarding the bids they are asked to reject, the city had $423,700 allocated for the project but […]

Finance Committee Spends A Hour Discussing Library Project, Unanimously Votes To Reject All Project Bids

The Finance Committee met 09/26/2022. The meeting was around an hour and ten minutes long, and all but around 5 minutes of that was taken up by discussion on the request from the city to reject all bids for the library project. As most people […]

Finance Committee Meeting 09/26/2022 – Will Vote On Request To Deny All Library Project Bids

The Finance Committee is meeting 09/26/2022 at 5:30PM. The item most of note on the agenda is probably the request to deny all bids for the Appleton Public Library project. On 09/20/2022, the bids came back $14 million over budget, so the city is wanting […]

Library Project Bids Far Exceed Estimates – City To Request All Bids Be Denied, Will Rebid The Project In Early 2023

The Library Board met 09/20/2022 and received a brief update on the library project. Library Director Colleen Rortvedt told the board that bids had opened earlier that day at 2PM and had come in higher than expected. Some packages had received no bids. They still […]

Finance Committee Meeting 09/12/2022 – Will Vote On Contract To Repair An Aeration Tank

The Finance Committee is meeting 09/12/2022 at 5:30PM. It does not look like it will be a particularly eventful meeting. They have one action item which is a request to award a contract to repair an aeration tank. There are also two information items regarding […]

Special Meetings Of The Finance Committee And Safety And Licensing Committee Scheduled For 09/07/2022 – Will Vote On Necessary Business Ahead of The Common Council Meeting

There are two special committee meetings scheduled for 09/07/2022 ahead of the Common Council meeting. The first is a special meeting of the Finance Committee at 6:15PM. They have one action item which is a request to approve a 2022 budget amendment to record the […]

Finance Committee Approves Mayor’s Recommendations For $1.2 Million In Excess General Fund Allocations – Funds Will Go Toward Aerial Imaging, College Avenue Traffic Safety, Emerald Ash Borer Mitigation, And More

The Finance Committee met 08/22/2022. The item that took up the most discussion time was the allocation of the city’s 2021 Excess General Fund Balance. After the annual audit was completed, it was determined that the city had $4.8 million in excess general funds. This […]

Finance Committee Rejects 5 Bids On Facilities Projects After Some Bids Came In Over Double What Was Expected

The Finance Committee met 08/22/2022. They started the meeting out by voting on 5 different requests to reject bids for various projects. The 2022 Telulah Pavilion Renovation Project – The city had budged $200,000 for the project but the lowest bid was $220,187 The Appleton […]

Finance Committee Approves All Items – Alderperson Doran Suggests Using ARPA Funds To Pay For APD Mobile Command Center

The Finance Committee met 07/25/2022. It was a brief and relatively uneventful meeting. All of the items were approved, most with minimal discussion. Alderperson Chris Croatt (District 14), who was not a member of the committee but was present, did ask how the budget amendment […]

Finance Committee Meeting 07/25/2022 – Will Receive Mid-Year Reports From Finance Department, Legal Services, And Parks, Recreation, And Facilities

The Finance Committee is meeting 07/25/2022 at 5:30PM. The committee will be voting on a number of budget amendments to record the use of grants, insurance payouts, etc. It looks like there were also issues with using ARPA funds to cover the lost revenue in […]