Common Council Votes 13-2 To Approve Permit Allowing Rye Restaurant To Maintain Flower Box Overhanging Right-Of-Way – Places Caveat That Permit Cannot Be Issued Until Box Is Made ADA Compliant

Every once in a while, something unexpected will turn out to be an issue of contention and sometimes something surprising gets separated out for discussion and an individual vote at the Common Council meeting. Such a thing happened at the 03/20/2024 Common Council meeting regarding […]

Common Council Approves Development Incentive Agreement With US Venture For 222 Building On College Avenue – Agreement Includes $2.1 Million In Tax Incentives

The Community and Economic Development Committee and the Common Council met 03/20/2024 and each voted to approve a development incentive agreement with US Venture to redevelop the property at 222 W College Avenue and receive $2.1 million in tax incremental financing incentives paid out over […]

Common Council Meeting 03/20/2024 – Will Vote On US Venture Project, Reconsider Change In Yard Waste Sites’ Hours Of Operation

The Common Council is meeting 03/20/2024 at 7PM. There is no Business Presented by the Mayor or Public Hearings scheduled. The two committee items this past week that garnered the most discussion (the resolution regarding overnight, on street parking and the proposed ordinance change that […]

Common Council Approves Special Assessments For 2024 New Street Pavement And Underground Utility Projects – Residents Express Opposition To Cost And Necessity Of Projects

The Common Council met 03/06/2024. Two of the items they took up were the final resolutions declaring the city intended to levy special assessments against property owners for the city’s 2024 concrete pavement, driveway aprons, and sidewalk construction projects as well as the city’s 2024 […]

Common Council Approves Lighting Upgrades To Location Of Deadly Shooting – Mayor Woodford Indicates Staff Will Monitor Effectiveness Of Changes And Bring Forward Additional Recommendations If Appropriate

The Common Council met 03/06/2024. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the request to update the lighting near the intersection of Walnut Street and College Avenue. This was the location of the 12/24/2023 shooting that left one man dead, […]

Proposal To Change Yard Waste Operation Hours Fails At Common Council By 6-6 Vote – Mayor Woodford Reminds Council Of City’s Budgetary Constraints

The Common Council met 03/06/2024. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was the proposed changes to the hours of operation for the city’s two yard waste. This proposal would have maintained Friday through Monday summer service at the Glendale site while […]

Common Council Meeting 03/06/2024 – Will Vote On Proposed Changes To Yard Waste Site Hours, Request To Upgrade Lighting At College/Walnut Intersection, Install Kayak Rental Station At Telulah Park

The Common Council is meeting 03/06/2024 at 7PM. The agenda is not that heavy and they do not have a lot of items that would strike me as resulting in extended discussion or debate. There are a few items that seem like potential candidates for […]

Resolution Calling For Merging Of Utilities Committee With Municipal Services Committee Introduced At 02/21/2024 Common Council Meeting

One resolution was submitted during the 02/21/2024 Common Council meeting. Resolution 2-R-24 The Resolution To Consolidate The Utilities Committee With the Municipal Services Committee was written by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) and, if passed would eliminate the Utilities Committee and merge it with the […]

Common Council Votes Unanimously To Deny Whitman Yard Site Closure Resolution, Approve Peabody Park Trail Project, Approve Sludge Piping And Digester Bid

The Common Council met 02/21/2024. The public portion of the meeting was short, lasting only around 15 minutes. They did also spend around 45 minutes in closed session “deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties and the investing of public funds, regarding the U.S. […]

Common Council Meeting 02/21/2024 – Will Vote On Resolution To Close Whitman Yard Waste Site, Go Into Closed Session To Hold Negotiations Regarding US Venture Site

The Common Council is meeting 02/21/2024 at 7PM. They have quite a few action items on the agenda, but it’s a little hard to guess which items may be separated out for individual votes. The one item that stands out to me is Resolution 12-R-23 […]