Common Council Meeting 04/17/2024 – Will Finalize Council Rules For New Council Year, Vote On Midway/Plank Rezoning Request Opposed By Neighbors, Preliminary Plat For Lumbini Estates Subdivision

The Common Council is meeting 04/17/2024. They will hold a formal organizational meeting at 6PM and then follow that up with the regular Common Council meeting at 7PM. At the organizational meeting, they will vote on the proposed rule changes they discussed informally during their […]

Common Council Holding Informal Organizational Meeting 04/16/2024 After New Council Is Sworn In – Will Discussed Proposed Changes To Meeting Invocations, Removal Of Pledge Of Allegiance Requirement, Voting For Council President And Vice President, And New Dress Code

The Common Council is meeting 04/16/2024 at 6PM after the 5PM swearing in ceremony for Mayor Woodford, Attorney Behrens, and the recently elected alderpersons for even numbered districts. The informal organizational meeting is an opportunity for the Council members to informally go over the rules, […]

Common Council Votes 12-1 To Approve Obligation Of ARPA Funds Toward Various City Programs Including $1.8 Million Toward Transit Center Project

The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was the request to approve the execution of Memorandums of Understanding for various projects that utilized ARPA funds. This item had been discussed and recommended for approval by the Finance […]

Common Council Approves Complete Streets Policy Documents – Traffic Engineer Eric Lom Explains Metrics Used To Determine “Equity Score” For Pedestrian Crossing Prioritization

The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items that was separated out for an individual vote was the request to approve the Complete Streets Policy documents. This items was approved by the Municipal Services Committee. During that meeting, the committee discussed the use and […]

Common Council Votes 13-1 To Approve Transfer Of $2 Million In ARPA Funds To Library Project To Cover Cost Of Installing Broadband

The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items that was separated out for an individual vote was the request to approve the transfer of $2 million in ARPA funds to the Library Project. There was minimal discussion about this, so there is no need […]

Bartender/Operators License For Miguel Referred Back To Safety And Licensing Committee For Further Discussion

The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items that came before them was the bartender/operators license for Miguel. This item was initially recommended for denial by the Police Department but ended up being approved by the Safety and Licensing Committee after they were told […]

Common Council Vote 13-0 With 1 Abstention To Deny Bartender/Operator License For Isaiah

The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the recommendation to deny the bartender/operator license for Isaiah. As was discussed at the Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, Isaiah needs the license in order to move into […]

Common Council Approves Changes To Hours Of Operation For City’s Yard Waste Sites

The Common Council met 03/20/2024. The last item of business they took up was a request to reconsider proposed hours of operation changes for the Glendale and Whitman yard waste sites. The proposed changes had been voted on during the 03/06/2024 Common Council meeting where […]

Common Council Votes 11-4 To Approve 2024 Native Landscape Management Contract Which Allows The Use Of Glyphosates

The Common Council met 03/20/2024. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the request to award the 2024 native landscape management contract to NES Ecological Services. This item was discussed at the 03/12/2024 Utilities Committee at which Alderperson Israel Del […]

Alderperson Israel Del Toro Introduces Two Resolutions Pertaining To Pesticide Use And Education

During the 03/20/2024 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District 4) introduced two resolutions pertaining to pesticide use. Both of these resolutions were referred to staff for review, so when they are taken up at the committee-level Alderperson Del Toro will no longer be […]