On 09/01/2021 the Common Council voted 14-0 to approve Mayor Woodford’s recommended appointments to the Appleton Redistricting Committee. As outlined in his memo to the Council, the committee is composed of 10 members, 5 of whom serve by virtue of their roles and 5 alderpersons […]
Category: Common Council
Alderperson Vered Meltzer’s Invocation At 09/01/2021 Common Council Meeting – “Instead of asking how soon we can stop wearing masks, let’s ask how long we are willing to wear masks.”
The issue of masking has been talked about a lot recently due to the Health Officer resolution, the recent AASD mask mandate, and the start of the school year. Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2) gave the invocation during the 09/01/2021 Common Council meeting and took […]
Common Council Passes Amended Health Officer Resolution On 8-5 Vote
On 08/18/2021 the Appleton Common Council took up and ultimately approved Resolution 12-R-21 regarding health mandates and the hiring of a health officer. This resolution was sponsored by Alderpersons Joe Martin (District 4), Matt Reed (District 8), Sheri Hartzheim (District 13), and Chad Doran (District […]
Common Council Approves Summit Street Reconstruction With Narrow 7-6 Vote
On 08/18/2021 the Summit Street reconstruction was approved by the Common Council on a very narrow vote. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any other street reconstruction that has resulted in such a vote. As explained in the recap of the […]
Common Council Approves Development Agreement With Merge LLC For 56 Unit Apartment Building Near Library
On 08/18/2021 the Appleton Common Council voted 12-1 to “approve the Development Agreement with Merge LLC for a mixed-use development located on the southeast corner of E. Washington Street and S. Oneida Street (103 E. Washington Street) in Tax Increment Financing District No. 11”. This […]
Common Council Meeting 09/01/2021 – Items Of Interest Include Appointments To Redistricting Committee, Scavenging Resolution, Contract For Library Project Construction Manager
The Appleton Common Council is meeting 09/01/2021 at 7PM. Business presented by the Mayor will include 5 proclamations and a Covid-19 report. Of particular import is the appointments he will be making to the Redistricting Committee. Per a post on Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s (District 13) […]
Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s (District 13) Invocation At 08/18/2021 Common Council Meeting – “Gracious God…help us to remember we have the comforting assurance that You will always be with us.”
Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) gave this invocation to the Common Council on 08/18/2021. As you can see, she is in the Council chambers and not wearing a mask although the Mayor has implemented rules requiring masks to be worn inside city facilities. Mayor Woodford: […]
Common Council Meeting 08/18/2021 – Will Receive Covid-19 Update, Vote On Electrical Code Updates, Discuss Health Officer Resolution, And Enter Closed Section To Deliberate On Bluff Site Development
The Appleton Common Council is meeting 08/18/2021. There will be a Covid-19 report. I would expect this report to touch on the number of breakthrough cases in people who have been fully vaccinated. That question had come up at the last Common Council meeting and […]
Alderperson Joe Prohaska’s Invocation At 08/04/2021 Common Council Meeting – “May we have a spirit of comaraderie in this room and work together on our shared mission.”
Alderperson Joe Prohaska (District 14) gave the invocation at the 08/04/2021 Common Council meeting. This was given shortly after Mayor Woodford reinstituted the masking while inside city facilities guidelines which you can read about more here. Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson […]
Common Council Votes To Allow Pole Buildings On Residential Properties With No Specific Limitations
There was a very quiet end to the saga of whether or not to allow Appleton homeowners to erect pole buildings as accessory structures on their property. The Municipal Services committee had initially voted to recommend that pole buildings on residential properties be banned in […]