Common Council Updates Rules To Allow Remote Participation By Council Members And Public

The Common Council has voted to update its attendance policy for both Council members and members of the public to allow remote attendance going forward. Council members must give at least 24 hours notice and they are still expected to endeavor to appear in person […]

After AAPI and CEDAW Resolutions Are Passed, Alderperson Schultz Expresses Concern About Backlash From Conservatives

As you may remember, last month the Appleton Common Council passed two resolutions, #6-R-21 condemning xenophobia and anti-Asian hate and #4-R-21 in support of CEDW. The AAPI resolution borrowed heavily from the language of a similar resolution passed in Eau Claire. When some Council members […]

Common Council To Consider Permanent Rules Changes To No Longer Require In-Person Attendance At Council Meetings

The Appleton Common Council is holding an informal organizational meeting on 06/15/2021 at 6pm and a formal organizational meeting on 06/16/2021 at 6pm. They’ll be discussing and voting on possible changes to the Council’s rules, and will be specifically looking at if/how/under what circumstances to […]

Alderperson William Siebers’ Invocation At 06/02/2021 Common Council Meeting – “Let us remember that the little things can be just as important as the bigger things”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Siebers. Alderperson Siebers: “Thank you, your honor. Each of us has been placed in a role of leadership. And it is in how we define leadership that I believe determines in part how we carry out […]

Common Council Passes Knowles-Nelson Resolution After Making Minor Changes

During the 06/02/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council took up Resolution #8-R-21 the resolution in support of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) asked if there had been any updates regarding what the state is planning to do with this? Mayor Woodford […]

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation At 05/19/2021 Common Council Meeting–“In all that you do, in all your life, I wish you the strength and the grace to make those choices which will allow you and your neighbor to become the best of whoever you are”

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) gave her first invocation as a new member of the Common Council during the 05/19/2021 Common Council meeting. Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Hartzheim Alderperson Hartzheim: In 2002 Fred Rogers of PBS’s Mister Rogers Neighborhood gave […]