Alderpersons Firkus And Doran Introduce Resolution To Study Charging Appleton Properties A Quarterly Fee To Pay For Road Maintenance

At the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, Alderpersons Brad Firkus (District 3) and Chad Doran (District 15) introduced a resolution asking that money be included in the 2022 budget for “the Department of Public Works to work with a consulting firm to determine the feasibility of […]

Common Council Votes To Update Future Lease Contracts To Prevent The Display Of Political Signs On City-Owned Property

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council took up Resolution #5-R-21 regarding political signs on City-owned property. This resolution was submitted on April 7, 2021 by former Alderperson Kyle Lobner (District 13) in response to the display of campaign signs for current Alderperson Sheri […]

Two More Items Referred Back To Municipal Services Committee For Review – Alvin Street Reconstruction And Electrical Code Updates

In addition to the refer back to the Municipal Services Committee of item 21-0872 regarding banning metal shipping containers and pole buildings as accessory structures, two other items were referred back to the Municipal Services committee during the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting. The first was […]

Agenda Item Banning Shipping Containers And Pole Buildings Referred Back To Committee

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) asked to refer back to the Municipal Services Committee item 21-0872 regarding banning metal shipping containers and pole buildings as accessory structures. When asked to give his reason for the refer back, he said […]

Common Council Meeting 07/07/2021 – Agenda Items Include Allowing Accessory Dwelling Units, Banning Pole Buildings, And Banning The Display Of Campaign Signs On City Owned Property Leased By Private Entities

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 07/07/2021. It looks like Mayor Woodford will not be presenting any mayoral proclamations at this meeting. One never knows exactly which items will be pulled from the various committee recommendations to receive special attention and individual votes, but there […]

Mayor Woodford’s Opening Statement At Informal Organizational Meeting–“The community looks to us for leadership, and I don’t know that we’re always showing them that. And I think we need to.”

The Common Council held an Informal Organizational Meeting on 06/15/2021. Because it was an informal meeting, they didn’t have an invocation, but Mayor Woodford did take the opportunity to make a statement which, although not mentioning any specific situation, did appear to at least in […]

Council Votes To Require A 24 Hour Notice Period For Remote Meeting Participation Due To Administrative Concerns

As previously reported, the Appleton Common Council updated its rules and a city ordinance to allow remote participation by alderpersons going forward. The Council guidelines that they approved included a requirement that an alderperson intending to appear remotely give written or emailed notice at least […]

Common Council Approves Core’s Lounge Liquor License, Expresses Frustration About Their Inability To Do Otherwise And Unresolved Neighborhood Noise Complaints

The Appleton Common Council met 06/16/2021. The bulk of the meeting was taken up with discussion around the liquor license renewal for Core’s Lounge which was the only item separated out. They actually had to separate it out twice–first as part of a collection of […]

Alderperson Schultz Makes Partial Response Regarding His Previous Statement About Conservative Backlash

Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) has publicly commented on the social media post he made in which he had expressed concerns about fellow alderpersons voicing “conservative family values”. In his public comments he confirmed that he believed the things he had posted but that his […]

Alderperson Brad Firkus’ Invocation At 06/16/2021 Common Council Meeting – “We’re gonna be offered a lot of opportunities of making choices of how we want to engage with our community and with our fellow Appletonians. We can choose to engage in ways that help each other, that can make ourselves feel better, and can make our community a much more enjoyable place to be a part of.”

Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) delivered the invocation at the 06/16/2021 Common Council meeting. Mayor Woodford: “Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Firkus.” Alderperson Firkus: Thank you. I’m just gonna start tonight with a little story. A couple weeks back, I had bought a […]