Board Of Education Votes To Approve Purchase Of Spanish Language Readers And 8th Grade U.S. History Curriculum

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 05/09/2022. One of the items they took up was the purchase of high school Spanish language and 8th Grade U.S. History materials. This had originally been put on the 04/11/2022 meeting agenda, but then removed and […]

Board Of Education Meeting 05/09/2022 – Will Vote On World Language And 8th Grade History Materials, Discuss Health Insurance Options, Discuss District’s Mega Result Policy

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 05/09/2022 at 6PM. There are a few items on the agenda that may be of interest to the public. First, they will be voting on the purchase of World Language – Spanish Readers and 8th […]

Board Of Education Meeting 04/25/2022 – New Members Will Recite Member Commitment

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 04/25/2022 at 6PM. The 4 newly sworn in board members will be affirming that they have taken and filed he Oath of Office and they will recite the Board of Education Member Commitment. The Superintendent’s […]

Pheng Thao Responds To Questions About His Campaign Contributions, Does Not Indicate When He Will Correct Issue

Pheng Thao did respond to me after I posted about the issues with his campaign contributions. I had sent him an email on 04/15/2022 to the email address he had opted to include on his campaign finance disclosure form. After not hearing back from him […]

Newly Elected Board Of Education Member Pheng Thao Appears To Have Violated Campaign Finance Laws

A reader had asked if I was going to post the campaign finance documents for the Appleton Area School District Board of Education candidates. You can download those all below: An interesting item of note, newly elected Board of Education member Pheng Thao appears to […]

Board Of Education Receives Presentation On Spanish And US History Materials Purchases – Assistant Superintendent Harrison Explains How AASD Is Trying To Improve Awareness Of Public Feedback Periods

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 04/11/2022. Two of the items that were presented to them and discussed were (a) the purchase of Spanish language reader materials and (b) the purchase of “Cengage National Geographic U.S. History American Stories, Survey” for 8th […]

Board Of Education Discusses Retention And Resignations Of Special Education Teachers

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 04/11/2022 and during the Personnel Services update they had a brief discussion about educator retention and the reason for resignations. The Personnel Services Report included 5 personnel-related items—22 new educator hires (9 of which were rehires […]

Board Of Education Meeting 04/11/2022 – Will Vote On Salary Increases, Purchase Of Spanish Language And American History Textbooks

The Board of Education is meeting 04/11/2022. They will hold a work session at 4PM and then their regular board meeting at 6PM. The work session will be focused on reviewing and discussing the drafts of the Learning Environment/Student Behavior Interpretations and Indicators document and […]

Board Of Education Meeting 03/21/2022 – Will Vote On Superintendent Contract, Accept Resignation Of Assistant Superintendent Polly VandenBoogaard

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 03/21/2022. They’ll be receiving a presentation on the Action for Healthy Kids School Health Index Report and a report on a proposed update to the Homeless Education Program Policy. They will also be voting on […]