Over 1,000 AASD Students Quarantined Due To Close Contact Guidelines; Only 8 Have Gone On To Test Positive For Covid-19

As posted earlier, the Appleton Area School District planned to ask for a waiver so that they don’t have to meet the statutorily required minimum hours of instruction during the 2020-21 school year. Not only has AASD not provided the appropriate number of instructional hours […]

Over Half Of AASD High School Students Had At Least One D Or One F On First Quarter Report Card; How Will They Compare At The End Of The Year?

With only one month left before the end of the school year, now is a good time to note where the AASD high schools started the year grade wise. Once the year ends we’ll be able to compare where they ended up to where they […]

AASD Has No Records Regarding The Number Of Students Offered Virtual Plus Services

I have been trying to get a handle on what the Appleton Area School District has been doing in response to the academic struggles of their high school students. Those struggles were apparent as early as when the first quarter grades were released. For example, […]

AASD Superintendent Baseman Explains Why District Opted To Provide Fully Virtual Option; Provides No Data About Graduation Coaches

I am still in the process of getting answers regarding the details of the services the Appleton Area School District has been providing to struggling students. I have some follow-up questions that I’m waiting to hear back on, but I do still have an update. […]

A Preliminary Response From Superintendent Baseman Regarding Virtual School Next Fall And Plans To Help Failing Students

I did want to give a bit of an update on a post from last week. As you may recall, I had been communicating with Appleton Area School District Superintendent Judy Baseman. There were a couple questions I had…. (1) In light of the fact […]

Board Of Education Candidate Amber McGinley Retains Lawyer In Response To Being Banned From AASD Property

As written about in the Post Crescent and linked to earlier here, Appleton Area School District Board of Education candidate Amber McGinley has been banned from AASD property. She has retained a lawyer, Brady R. Henderson of Cream City Law, LLC. Here is the full […]

Board of Education Candidate Amber McGinley Releases Statement In Response To Being Banned From AASD Property – “The District’s ban is the latest in a series of efforts to retaliate and silence our family for standing up for the rights of our son and other special needs students to be treated fairly.”

Board of Education candidate and AASD parent Amber McGinley has released a statement in response to having been banned from AASD property. I am an outspoken advocate for kids with disabilities in a district that doesn’t want kids with disabilities in its classrooms. The District’s […]