Board Of Education Meeting 06/14/2021; Will Vote On Adopting Coherent Governance Framework

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is holding their regular Board meeting on 06/14/2021 at 6PM. This will be following a work session that begins at 4PM. In person public appearances are still suspended even though only 33 people in the whole of […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Hears Requests To Not Renew Local Bar’s Liquor License, Discovers It Is Procedurally Required To Approve The License Renewal

The Safety and Licensing Committee met on 06/09/2021. A big discussion item at May’s Safety and Licensing Committee meeting had been the City’s current policy allowing gas station convenience stores to only sell beer and not wine or liquor. They had voted to hold that […]

Alderperson William Siebers’ Invocation At 06/02/2021 Common Council Meeting – “Let us remember that the little things can be just as important as the bigger things”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Siebers. Alderperson Siebers: “Thank you, your honor. Each of us has been placed in a role of leadership. And it is in how we define leadership that I believe determines in part how we carry out […]

One Week Remains For AASD Residents To Provide Feedback On Proposed Renaming Of Lincoln Elementary

One week remains for Appleton Area School District residents to provide public feedback on the proposal to rename Lincoln Elementary School. Residents who live within the district’s boundaries can provide community feedback regarding that question here: Just to recap, a couple years ago Mayor […]

Department Of Public Works Reviews Proposed Changes To Leaf, Yard Waste, and Bulky Overflow Collection With Municipal Services Committee; Proposes Completely Eliminating All Free Bulky Overflow Collection

The Municipal Services Committee reviewed the proposed Department of Public Works changes to bulky overflow and leaf collection and snow removal. I had been somewhat tetchy about it because it was listed as an information item which would not be voted on but it seemed […]