Common Council Meeting 04/20/2022 – Will Hold Formal Organizational Meeting And Then First Regular Meeting Of New Council Year

The new Common Council will be holding its first formal meetings 04/20/2022.

The first will be the formal organizational meeting at 6pm.

The second will be the regular Council meeting at 7PM.

During the formal organizational meeting they will deliberate and vote on rules changes for the upcoming Council year. The agenda indicates that in addition to the rule changes proposed by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) they will also be considering and voting on a rule that would allow resolutions to be withdrawn at the committee level provided that no action had been taken to deny, approve, or amend the resolution.

Proposed rule regarding the withdrawal of resolutions

As far as the regular meeting goes, one never knows exactly what if anything will be separated out fir individual votes. The alcohol license revocation for Core’s Lounge was probably the biggest thing that happened during committee week. Everything else struck me as fairly routine, although during the Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) had requested to separate out the Class “B” Beer and “Class B” Liquor License Change of Agent application for GT Limited d/b/a Rascals Bar & Grill so that she could abstain from voting. Alderpersons do that if they believe they have a conflict of interest regarding the item, so I would expect that one to be separated out also.

View full organizational meeting details here:

View full Council meeting details here:

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