Municipal Services Committee Meeting 02/21/2022 – Will Vote On Resident’s Tire Fee Appeal, Consider “No Mow May” Resolution, Review Enhanced Crosswalk Flow Chart, Receive Update On Transportation Utility Study

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 02/21/2022 at 4:30PM.

They have a packed agenda, but many of the items seem minor such as awarding a plan review services contract for large projects to E-Plan Exam, a request to replace hotel signage on the College Avenue Skywalk with a sign for Vince Lombardi’s Steakhouse, a request for an occupancy permit for a crane, and the installation of stop signs on Locust Street at Oklahoma Street.

The human interest story looks like it will be a request from a resident to appeal a $75 non-compliance fee for a tire collected at his property. The resident is claiming that the tire was not set out for pick-up, and he assumed it was stolen. Prior to collecting it, the city sent him a notice, but the resident states he never received a notice. A complicating factor may be the fact that, based on the picture in the agenda packet, the tire appears to have been in the public right-of-way and not actually on the resident’s property.

The committee will also be considering Resolution #3-R-22 which was introduced at the 02/16/2022 Common Council meeting. If passed, it would modify Appleton’s weed ordinance to accommodate No Mow May best practices.

Resolution #3-R-22 Modify Appleton Weed Ordinance To Accommodate No Mow May Best Practices

The agenda also includes three information items.

The committee will discuss the process for a possible redesign of Solder Square.

It will also review the Crosswalk Installation Evaluation Guidance flowchart. On 02/09/2022, the committee received an update on the Crosswalk Enhancement Program and during that meeting the desire was expressed to review the considerations that go into determining which intersections receive crosswalk enhancements.

They will also receive an update on the Transportation Utility funding study.

View full meeting details here:

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