Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 11/08/2021 – Will Vote On Reid Rate Policy For 2022, Two 1-Year Lease Extensions For Sculpture Valley Sculptures

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 11/08/2021 at 6:30PM.

They will be reviewing and voting on the Reid Golf Course 2022 Rates Policy. The policy includes a $1.00 increase for weekday 9-hole play and an increase of $375 for the business pass. Per the memo, the 9-hole play rate increase “will bring our fee in line with other courses in the area.” I would expect that an increase of $375 for the business pass would strike many people as a sharp increase, but, per the memo, “The cost per round for the business pass has dropped below an acceptable sustainable level due to increased costs for fuel, labor, and turf management supplies.”

The committee will also be voting on 3 items that were recently before the Public Arts Committee. The first was a request to install oversized wooden letters spelling “RISE” within Houdini Plaza, the second two were 1 year lease extension requests for the “Gyan/Gesture of Conscience” Sculpture at Jones Park and the “To The Moon Alice” Sculpture at Vulcan Heritage Park. All three of these items were approved by the Public Arts Committee.

The committee will also be receiving the October 2021 Revenue and Expense report for Reid Golf Course. It looks like as of the end of October, Reid was only approximately $58,500 shy of hitting the $1 million mark in revenue, and there are still playable days even into November. We’ll have to wait and see how close they finally get to that million dollar mark or if they actually hit it.

View full meeting details here:

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