City Clerk Provides Update On City’s Redistricting Timeline And Process

During the 07/28/2021 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting City Clerk Kami Lynch gave an update on the city’s redistricting timeline and plans.

Normally by this time, they would already be forming their ward lines and talking about the aldermanic districts; however, the whole process has been delayed because the census itself was delayed due to Covid. Neither the city nor the counties have numbers. The counties have just started setting timelines and holding informational meetings on when they expect to receeive their numbers.

As a result of all that, Appleton’s timeline for redistricting will be drastically compressed. They hope to have it done by the end of October, but they won’t receive any information from the counties until some time in September. So, the timeline will be really rushed, but they will do the best they can.

At this point, they are preparing the best they can to begin work once the data becomes available. The main issues they’ll deal with are (1) the counties will give Appleton their supervisory district lines, and then Appleton will have to accomodate those changes, and (2) they’ll also check whether any of the city’s wards or districts have seen drastic population changes.

Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) asked who was on the redistricting committee.

Clerk Lynch said, from what she has seen, in the past the redistricting committee has been appointed by the mayor. It’s usually composed of some alderpersons and city staff. She was not sure who was going to be on there, but she did know that the committee makeup was going to be decided upon very soon.

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