Parks and Rec Committee Scheduled To Meet 03/08/2021

The Appleton Parks and Rec Committee is meeting 03/08/2021 at 6:30pm.

They have one action item which is to “Award the City of Appleton’s ‘2021 Appleton Pickleball Complex Design Project’ Contract to JSD Professional Service, Inc. in an Amount not to Exceed $27,000.”

[Side Note: I feel like a midwest municipality building a pickleball complex is the perfect setup for a “Waiting For Guffman” style fauxumentary. I also feel like the pickleball planning committee having to compete for the public’s attention because school board meetings are scheduled only 30 minutes later would be a recurring problem in this movie.]

There are also two information items–the Reid Golf Course 2020 annual report and the Recreation Division 2020 annual report.

It looks like Reid Golf Course was more profitable in 2020 than in 2019. It also looks like it had fewer expenses than expected (mostly related to land improvements of some sort that were budgeted for but don’t appear to have happened).

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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