City Plan Commission Approves Special Use Permit For Auto Sales Display At Wisconsin Avenue Business – Approval Contingent On Landscaping Improvements

The city Plan Commission met 03/12/2025. Most of the meeting was taken up with discussion about the selfie sculpture that Appleton Downtown Inc is requesting permission to place in Houdini Plaza, but they also took up a request from Captain’s Auto Service on the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and Oneida Street for a special use permit to establish a used car sales lot.

The commission voted unanimously to recommend the special use permit for approval.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:

The lot currently operates as a car repair business. The owner would like to display used cars for sale along the corner near Wisconsin and Oneida. City staff recommended approval of the special use permit which included a requirement that the business adhere to required landscaping standards.

The lot had served as a auto mechanic shop for many years and the city had acquired a portion of the lot during a project on Wisconsin Avenue. That loss of land had resulted in the loss of existing landscape features. Now with the move to display vehicles for sale, the owner would be required to soften up the corner of the lot with some landscaping and greenery which would hopefully improve the appearance.

The commission voted unanimously to recommend the item for approval.

[Not related to this business specifically which I’m sure is a fine establishment, Wisconsin Avenue is one of the uglier corridors in the city. The lots seem dominated by barren concrete, and there is no charm.]

View full meeting details and video here:

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