Board Of Health Meeting 10/11/2023 – Will Vote On Mental Health Awareness Resolution, Review 2024 Health Department Budget

The Board of Health is meeting 10/11/2023 at 7AM.

They have one action item on the agenda which is Resolution 9-R-23, the Mental Health Awareness and Services resolution. Amongst other things, this resolution calls for the City of Appleton to recognize and promote mental health and the impact of mental illness on individuals, families, and communities and to continue to work with local mental health organizations.

The resolution was approved without amendment at the 09/13/2023 Board of Health meeting, however, the recording of that meeting was not available, and alderpersons who had not attended the meeting in person were not able to review the discussion. Therefore, the item was referred back to the board for additional discussion and a second vote.

The board will also, as information items be discussing the 2024 Healht Department budget as well as reviewing the 2nd Quarter Report.

View full meeting details here:

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