Common Council Approves Street Occupancy Permit Related To Fox Commons Development – Public Access To City Hall Drive-Through Window Will Still Be Available On Key Dates

The Common Council met 09/20/2023. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the street occupancy permit for perimeter fencing and staging related to the Fox Commons Development in City Center. This fencing was expected to stay up through 12/31/2023 and block access to the drive-through bill pay window at City Hall.

The occupancy permit specifies that the street leading to the drive-through bill pay window at City Hall will be accessible on specific key date. Those are:

OCTOBER – 19-20, 30-31

NOVEMBER – 1, 17-20

DECEMBER – 11-31

Public Works Director Danielle Block told the Common Council that during those dates, the gates would be open, the “road closed” signs would be draped, and there would be clear signage letting the public know that the road was accessible to the public and they could drive through and use the drive-through window.

The Common Council voted 15-0 to approve the occupancy permit.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the Municipal Services Committee discussion and the Common Council discussion for download.

View full meeting details and video here:

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