Finance Committee Awards Lundgaard Park Development Project Contract To Vinton Construction

The Finance Committee met 08/07/2023. In addition to voting on the sale of $20.2 million in promissory notes, the committee also voted unanimously to approve a request to award the 2023 Lundgaard Park Development Project contract to Vinton Construction for approximately $900,000. With a 15% contingency, the total amount was just a little over $1 million.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download.

The discussion was brief. Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim, the alderperson for District 13 where the park is located, noted that, the city had designated $2 million for the park, but this contract was only for half of that. She asked where the city was with the $2 million.

Parks and Recreation Deputy Director Tom Flick broke out expenses for the park.

  • The city had already spent $300,000 for engineering and design services.
  • The $1 million development contract before the committee on 08/07/2023 did not include the playground.
  • The city would be purchasing the playground directly through the vendor to save money, but it would still cost around $600,000 to purchase the equipment, installing it, and install the rubberized playground surface.
  • Geotechnical services cost around $25,000.

After those expenses were factored in only around $20,000 of the initial $2 million remained unallocated.

If things went well and they did not have any unforeseen expenses, they would probably use remaining funds to move forward with the trail development in the park because that was simple to design so would not entail a lot of extra design services costs. Additionally, prices for asphalt were pretty good right now.

The committee voted 5-0 to approve the request to award the contract to Vinton Construction.

In addition to the $2 million city funds allocated for the project, there is a private fundraising effort currently underway for the park which is named after Mitch Lundgaard who was killed in the line of duty. If you would like to contribute to the fundraiser, you can check out the website here:

View full meeting details and video here:

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