Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 05/24/2023 – Will Vote On Development Agreement To Turn City Center Into A Mixed Use Center With Housing, Supportive Services, Health Care, Retail, And Commercial Businesses

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 05/24/2023 at 6:30PM.

The one action item on their agenda is a request to approve a development agreement with Fox Commons Properties, LLC for the “transformation” of City Center “into a mixed-use center (Fox Commons) comprised of housing, supportive services, healthcare, retail and commercial businesses uses.”

The developer would receive $4.3 million in TIF support. As part of the agreement, the city would require pedestrian easements to travel from City Center East to City Center West and from College Avenue to City Center Street. It would also prohibit the conversion of any housing units to Tourism Room Houses such as Airbnbs or VRBOs.

[City Center seems pretty dead right now, so I understand why they would want to try to do something with it, but I’m skeptical that this is going to be a success. I remember when the creation of City Center in its current form was supposed to spur downtown growth and opportunity but that never really seemed to work out.]

Aside from the action item, as an information item, the Community and Economic Development Committee, like the City Plan Commission, will receive a presentation on the proposed creation of Tax Increment Financing District 13 in Southpoint Commerce Park.

View full meeting details here:

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