Utilities Committee Meeting 07/12/2022 – Will Vote On Two Contracts, Discuss WDNR Stormwater Permit Appendices, Receive May 2022 Water Main Break Report

The Utilities Committee is meeting 07/12/2022 at 4:30PM

They will be voting on a couple of contracts and then discussing the WDNR Stormwater Permit Appendices A and C as well as receiving May 2022 Water Distribution and Meter Team Report. As of the end of May, Appleton’s water main breaks were sitting at 70 YTD as compared to 56 in 2021.

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=959281&GUID=796955B6-312F-4E62-B146-85FB762800EF

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