The Finance Committee is meeting 12/09/2024 at 5:30PM.
There are four action items on the agenda.
The first is a request to approve the relocation order for the Lawe Street reconstruction project. It looks like there are sections of land along the project that the city needs to acquire in order to be able to reconstruct the road as designed.
The second is a request to approve an extension to the contract the city has with Booth Management Consulting, LLC to administer the city’s ARPA grant funds. Per the memo, “The current agreement has an expiration date of December 31, 2024. We have been working with BMC staff to scope out a contract extension. Based on their estimate of work remaining, we will continue to remain under the “not to exceed” amount of $150K and merely need a contract modification extending the performance period to align with ARPA US Treasury expenditure and reporting timelines.”

The third is a request to approve a development agreement for Lumbini Estates. Last year when the preliminary plat for Lumbini Estates came before the City Plan Commission, Commissioner Andrew Dane expressed the belief the size of the lots in Lumbini Estates was “an inefficient use of precious land that we have.”
The fourth item is a request to approve the write off of nearly $50,000 of accounts receivable invoices and a little over $23,000 of personal property taxes that have been outstanding for over one year.
As information items, the committee will review various budget adjustments and a change order pertaining to the parks pavilions roof replacement project.
View full meeting details here:
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