The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/24/2024 at 5:30PM.
The main action item that I would expect to take up their attention is the request to not renew the alcohol license for the Corner Pub. This item has been before the committee twice once on 06/26/2024 and once on 07/10/2024. The committee ended up recommending by a 3-2 vote that the license not be renewed because it has not been used for over 12 months, but two members of the committee were in favor of granting a 60-day extension. At the Common Council meeting it was referred back to the committee for a third look.
The bar suffered extensive damage from a broken water pipe that came to the attention of the city on 05/30/2023 at which point the establishment was shut down and the owner was informed that significant repairs would need to happen before the business could reopen. The owner was given a deadline of 05/30/2024 to repair the building and reopen the business in order to be able to maintain her alcohol license. Per a memo from Assistant City Attorney Buruin, “My understanding is that no permits for any of the necessary repairs were requested until June 6, 2024, after the May 30 deadline to reopen and avoid the license being considered abandoned.”
The owner has pointed to her struggle with cancer and the lack of clarity from city staff on what needed to be done as reasons to grant her more time to get the business running again and not non-renew her license. Attorney Buruin, however, concludes his memo by stating, “It does not appear that the delays in progress or in the providing of information to the applicant in this matter were the result of any action or inaction on the part of the involved departments. Assertions that the relevant departments failed to timely inspect or provide inspection results are not factually supported and should not be treated as a basis for a finding of good cause to extend the deadline for abandonment. Should the Council find good cause based upon information supported by the record, it may exercise its discretion as it sees fit.”

The rest of the action items on the agenda consist of various license applications.
There are also a number of information items including mid-year reports for the Legal and Administrative Services Departments, the Fire Department, and the Police Department.
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