Library Board Receives Update On Building Project – Is Told Geothermal Well Drilling Has Been Completed

The Library Board met 07/16/2024. One of the items they received was an update on the Library Building Project which was presented by Library Executive Director Colleen Rortvedt.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:

The information provided in the agenda packet provided a fairly comprehensive overview of the most recent work that had been done.

Director Rortvedt reported that since the report was put together, drilling for the geothermal wells had been completed, and the construction crew was now moving into trenching and connecting the wells to each other and the building. In all, the library had about approximately 70 wells each 450 feet deep.

The exterior of the building was starting to come together, but front windows and the roof about the arched pavilion at the front of the library needed to remain open because that was where they were going to be bringing in the metal beams that would serve as the underlying support system for the learning stairs.

Per Director Rortvedt, the project was still on track and still on budget.

One board member asked if the recent heavy rain had been an issue. Director Rortvedt said that they had been really proactive in keeping the building covered with tarps so she thought they were okay.

Another board member asked if the tops of the wells would be visible or marked in any way and whether the library would be posting some sort of signage letting visitors know that the library had a geothermal system. He thought it would be a good thing to hype up to the public.

Director Rortvedt said that when they decided not to pursue LEED certification due to the cost, they talked about creating some kind of plaque that told the story about how the building was still a green building even though it wasn’t LEED certified. The final form for that had not been fleshed out yet.

View full meeting details and video here:

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