Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Accept Withdrawal Of Alcohol License Application For Mr. Frogs

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/10/2024. One of the items they took up was the request from Julia Nino Gomez to withdraw her alcohol license application for Mr. Frogs.

During the 06/26/2024 meeting, the committee had voted to deny the license application in response to the Police Department’s concern that, if granted, drug dealing would occur on the premises. Ms. Gomez then submitted a request to withdraw the application which the committee on 07/10/2024 voted to accept.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:

Assistant City Attorney Zak Buruin explained to the committee that because action had already been taken on the license application, the committee would need to go back and reconsider that action in order to accept the withdrawal request. He believed it would be appropriate for the committee to do that because allowing the voluntary withdrawal of the license application would potentially save some Council action and would also expedite and lend clarity to the situation as quickly as possible.

The committee proceeded to vote unanimously to reconsider the item and then voted unanimously to accept the withdrawal. My understanding is that that means the application will not appear as an action item before the Common Council.

View full meeting details and video here:

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