Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/10/2024 – Will Vote On Corner Pub License Renewal, Withdrawal Of Mr. Frogs Alcohol License, Sole Source Contract For Police Department Scheduling Software

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/10/2024.

The agenda is mostly filled with routine license applications and renewals that I would not expect will take up much time, but there are a few things that will generate discussion.

The committee will be taking up for the second time the request to not renew the alcohol license for the Corner Pub. This establishment has been closed for over a year due to damage caused by a burst pipe in the apartment above the bar. Because they have not been utilizing their alcohol license they are in danger of having it not renewed.

At the last Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, the bar owner claimed that repairs had all been made and she was just waiting on the Inspections Department to come through and give the okay to reopen. The committee voted to hold off on a vote until 07/10/2024 to give the owner the opportunity to have the inspection completed and provide proof that the bar was able to be reopened.

Another item pertains to the alcohol license application for Mr. Frogs. At the last Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, the committee voted unanimously to deny the alcohol license applied for by Julia Nino Gomez, due to her close connections to drug dealers and out of concern that, if she were granted a license, drug dealing activity would occur at Mr. Frogs.

Ms. Gomez has now submitted a letter indicating that she is withdrawing her liquor license application.

Finally, the committee will be voting on a request from the Police Department for a sole source contract with TimeClock Plus, LLC for the use of their scheduling software.

View full meeting details here:

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