Municipal Services Committee Holds Lil Taco Street Occupancy Permit Application For 2 Weeks – Seeks Feedback From Police Department On Advisability Of Allowing Picnic Tables To Be Placed Near State Street And College Avenue

The Municipal Services Committee met 06/10/2024. One of the items they took up was a request from Lil Taco for a street occupancy permit to place picnic tables on the sidewalk outside of their taco business on State Street near the intersection of State Street and College Avenue.

Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) opposed issuing the permit because he was concerned that that area of downtown was a problem area at bar close time and the picnic tables, if left out, would result in people congregating there. There was some discussion as to whether, as part of approving the street occupancy permit, they could require the establishment to take in the picnic tables every night.

The committee ended up voting to hold the item for two weeks to give staff time to review the language of the Municipal Code and also to provide time for the Police Department to weigh in on the item.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:

This area of the city has been an area of concern as evidenced by the discussions around proposed but eventually not-enacted food truck ordinance changes, lighting changes, and the application from OB’s Brau Haus to place tables and chairs outside.

Lil Taco is located on State Street behind Jack’s Apple Pub. They have had picnic tables placed out on the sidewalk without a permit and were now trying to come into compliance with city code. Alderperson Siebers was concerned because the application indicated they wanted to place tables and chairs, but the picture attached to the application showed picnic tables which he doubted would be brought inside. He said he would not have a problem approving the placement of tables and chairs that could be brought in each evening, but he was concerned about these picnic tables being out there 24/7.

The other members of the committee seemed to find his concerns reasonable and felt the matter warranted looking into further.

The committee voted 5-0 to hold the item for 2 weeks so that they could receive feedback from the Police Department and clarification from staff on what the municipal code said on the matter and whether they could require the tables to be brought in each evening as part of approval for the permit.

View full meeting details and video here:

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