Appleton Redevelopment Authority Receives Update On 222 N Oneida Street Property – Environmental Investigation Is Almost Completed Paving Way For Purchase By Valley Transit

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority met 05/08/2024. One of the information items they received was an update on the vacant lot at 222 N. Oneida Street just north of Valley Transit. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: Director of Community Development Kara Homan […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses Alcohol License Violations With Two Businesses – Each Business Received 150 Demerit Points For Having Gambling Machines On The Premises

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/08/2024. They had 4 demerit point violation appearances on their agenda. Two of them were from Valley Mobil on Oneida Street and Northland Ave Citgo for having gambling machines in a licensed establishment, and two of them were from […]

Slide Deck Regarding Bird E-Scooter Virtual Docking System Is Posted

The minutes for the Municipal Services Committee meeting on 05/06/2024 were published yesterday. They included a PDF of a slide deck pertaining to the discussion that took place at that meeting between the committee members and a Bird representative. The slides give a brief overview […]

Finance Committee Approves Sole Source Purchase Of Fire Truck – Asks Staff To Clarify Whether Contract Locks Price In Or Allows For It To Be Increased Annually Over 50 Month Lead Time

The Finance Committee met 05/06/2024. One of the items they took up was a request to approve the sole source purchase of a new fire engine from Pierce Manufacturing with an expected delivery date of 4 years from now. The committee had some questions about […]

Finance Committee Holds Wheel Tax Resolution Until 05/20/2024 Meeting – Asks Staff To Provide Information On Amount Of Additional Revenue Expected And State Statues Governing Wheel Taxes

The Finance Committee met 05/06/2024. One of the items on the agenda was the resolution that would increase the wheel tax by $10 per year per vehicle. This item was placed on hold until the 05/20/2024 Finance Committee meeting because Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) […]

Representative Of Bird Rides Speaks To Municipal Services Committee – Asks To Continue E-Scooter Program In Appleton, Provides Information On New Virtual Docking Ports

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. As an information item, they met with a representative of the company that manages the Bird Scooters. Adam Davis, the Principal Government Partnerships Manager at Bird appeared before the committee and told them Bird hoped to remain in partnership […]

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation At 05/01/2024 Common Council Meeting – “Gracious God, help us to always remember that being a member of the majority doesn’t necessarily make us right, just part of a group that thinks alike.”

In 2023, the Common Council had voted to eliminate free form invocations and rather have a set script to serve as the invocation before Council meetings. This year, during their organizational meeting, they voted to change that rule and allow alderpersons to “have the option […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes 4-1 Against Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. The agenda item that took up the most amount of time was the resolution regarding on-street overnight parking, and the committee ended up voting 4-1 to deny it. Alderperson William Siebers made a motion to amend the resolution to […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/08/2024 – Will Meet With Representatives Of 4 Businesses On Recent Alcohol License Violations, Review Shared Service Agreement With Gold Cross

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/08/2024. They will be voting on a number of license applications as well as a request to approve the automatic aid agreement between the City of Appleton and the Little Chute Fire Departments. The committee will also be […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 05/08/2024 – Will Vote On Two Items Related To Additions To Emerald Valley Subdivision

The City Plan Commission is meeting 05/08/2024 at 3:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda and one related public hearing, all of which are related to the Emerald Valley subdivision. The public hearing and one of the requests pertain to the rezoning of […]