The Common Council is meeting 04/17/2024. They will hold a formal organizational meeting at 6PM and then follow that up with the regular Common Council meeting at 7PM.
At the organizational meeting, they will vote on the proposed rule changes they discussed informally during their informal organizational meeting on 04/16/2024. The alderpersons will also receive committee assignments for the year and elect a Council President and Vice President for the new Council year.
During the regular meeting of the Common Council they will receive a presentation on the city’s Sidewalk Poetry project as well as a review of the Housing Development Policy Guide. A presentation on the recommendations made by the Housing Development Task Force was also already given to the City Plan Commission and the Community and Economic Development Committee last week.
There are not a lot of action items on the agenda, but there are a few items I could see being separated out for an individual vote.
The street occupancy permit pertaining to the Trout Museum project along College Avenue, Drew Street, and Kimball Alley generated some discussion at the Municipal Services Committee. The committee recommended the permit for approval without any kind of amendment but asked staff to look into the possibility of Boldt providing weekend access through Drew Street when construction is not taking place.

The request to rezone a parcel along Midway and Plank roads from R-1A Single-Family District to R-3 Multi-Family District generated pushback from neighboring residents when it came before the City Plan Commission. Although not a part of the application, it was mentioned during that meeting that the developer plans to build a retirement community in that area and neighboring owners of single-family lots were concerned about a multi-family development going in next to them.

The request to approve the Lumbini Estates Preliminary Plat was unanimously recommended for approval by the City Plan Commission; however, at that meeting, Plan Commissioner Andrew Dane expressed concern that the average size of lots in the subdivision were excessively large. Additionally Plan Commissioner Sabrina Robins also wanted to know if there would be affordable housing mixed in with this subdivision.

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