Common Council Meeting 04/03/2024 – Will Receive City Of Appleton Brand Guidelines, Say Farewell To Departing Alderpersons

The Common Council is meeting 04/03/2024 at 7PM. Mayor Woodford will be making a number of board and commission appointments. He will also be presenting the City of Appleton brand guidelines. The Common Council will also be saying farewell to the departing alderpersons, both Alderperson […]

Finance Committee Approves 2023-2024 Budget Carryover Appropriations – Discusses Items Related To Housing Task Force Implementation Designed To Improve Communication And Process Flow With Developers

The Finance Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they voted on was the request to approve the 2023-2024 budget carryover appropriations. There were two long lists of carryover appropriations which can be downloaded below along with a transcript of the discussion: The only items […]

Finance Committee Approves Memorandums Of Understanding For City Programs Receiving $2.8 Million In ARPA Funds

The Finance Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they discussed was the request to approve Memorandums of Understanding for various projects that utilized ARPA funding. The committee had questions about five specific programs: The committee ended up approving the item unanimously. I’ve prepared a […]