Common Council Meeting 01/18/2023 – Will Receive Library Project Design Update

The Common Council is meeting 01/18/2023 at 7PM. The item on the agenda probably of most interest to the public is the Library Project update. The Library Board was told back in December that the scope of the project was being reduced and that the […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Discusses Housing Affordability Report – Building Permits, Fees, And New Approved Dwelling Units All Up From Previous Years

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 01/11/2023. The meeting was not particularly long, clocking in at a little over 20 minutes. Slightly more than half of that was taken up with discussion about the annual updates to the housing Affordability Report and the Housing […]

Library Board Meeting This Afternoon 01/17/2022 – Will Discuss “The Complicated Role Of The Modern Public Library”

The Library Board is meeting this afternoon, 01/17/2023, at 4:30PM. There are just a couple routine action items consisting of approving the December 2022 bill register and a budget amendment. The one information item is the President’s Report which consists of a Trustee Development training/discussion. […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves Extension Of Deadline For Merge LLC To Purchase Blue Ramp Site – Deadline Moved From February To September 2023

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 01/11/2023. One of the items they took up was a request to amend the development agreement with Merge LLC to extend Merge’s purchase date of the former Blue Ramp location from 02/16/2023 to 09/29/2023. The committee voted unanimously […]

City Plan Commission Approves Changes To Public Land Dedication Rules For New Developments

The City Plan Commission met 01/11/2023. One of the items they took up was texts amendments to Chapter 17 of the city’s municipal code related to the dedication of land for public use and the payment of fees in lieu of dedicating land. Basically, it […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Moving District 12 Polling Location From St. John’s Church In District 12 To St. Pius Church In District 6

The Safety and Licensing committee met 01/11/2023. The three license applications (two for cigarettes, one for alcohol) were approved with no discussion, and none of the directors had any reports to give to the committee, so most of the meeting was taken up with discussion […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves Agreement For Mixed-Use Development In Downtown Chase Bank Building – Will Feature 24 Apartments, 1st Floor Businesses, And Entertainment Space

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 01/11/2023. One of the items they discussed and voted on was a request to approve a development agreement for improvements to the Chase Bank property at 200 W College Avenue in TIF District 11. The committee ended up […]

Utilities Committee Discusses Boxing Day Polymer Incident – 4-5 Months Of Cationic Polymer Emptied Into Anaerobic Digester In One Day

The Utilities Committee met 01/10/2023. Much of the meeting was taken up with discussion of the Polymer Incident of December 26, 2022. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the discussion for your downloading pleasure. I find it all very interesting, but because I don’t know […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 01/11/2023 – Will Vote On 3 License Applications, Resolution Moving District 12 Polling Place

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting this evening, 01/11/2023 at 5:30PM. The agenda looks to be pretty light. They have three license applications they will be voting on, one alcohol license and two cigarette licenses. They will also be voting on a resolution moving […]