Board Of Zoning Appeals Grants Variance For 6-Foot Tall Fence In Front Yard Of Cherokee Drive Residence

The Board of Zoning Appeals met 07/17/2023. One of the requests they deliberated on was for a variance to allow a 6-foot-tall fence to be built in the front yard of a residence on Cherokee Drive even though the Municipal Code only allowed 3-foot-tall fences […]

Mayor Woodford To Present Two Mayoral Proclamations At 07/19/2023 Common Council Meeting – Childrens Week And Parks And Recreation Month

During the Common Council meeting tonight, 07/19/2023, Mayor Woodford will be presenting two mayoral proclamations. With the first he proclaims July 23 – July 29, 2023, to be Children’s Week in Appleton and urges “all citizens to support efforts and attend events to celebrate the […]

Common Council Meeting 07/19/2023 – Will Vote On TIF 13, Core’s Lounge Alcohol License, Memorial In Ellen Kort Peace Park, Health Department Changes, Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement

The Common Council is meeting 07/19/2023 at 7PM. It’s been a few weeks since the last Council meeting which was on 06/21/2023. Since that time, there have been two weeks of committee meetings so there are more items than usual on the agenda. Mayor Woodford […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves 16 Acre Purchase In Southpoint Commerce Park, Offer To Purchase For Additional 14 Acres

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 07/12/2023. There were two action items on the agenda both of which were associated with each other and pertained to the purchase of land in the Southpoint Commerce Park. F Street Development, a company that has purchased other […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves 3 Year Ambulance Service Agreement With Gold Cross

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/12/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up by review and discussion of the Fire Department service agreement for Gold Cross ambulance. Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen reviewed the agreement, and then the committee voted unanimously to recommend it for […]

Board Of Health Receives Information On Dangerous Animal Declaration For Black Retriever, Health Officer Sepers Says They Hope To Provide Presentation On The Dangerous Animal Declaration Process In August

The Board of Health met 07/12/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up with discussion about the request to create a new Health Supervisor position and move the Coordinated Entry Specialist out of the Community and Economic Development Department and into the Health Department instead. […]

Library Board Meeting 07/18/2023 – Will Vote On Request To Close Temporary Library Location So Staff Can Attend Library Groundbreaking Ceremony On 07/25/2023

The Library Board is meeting 07/18/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on a request to approve a closure of the temporary library location from 1-5PM on 07/25/2023 for the Library Groundbreaking ceremony. Library Director Colleen Rortvedt recognizes this will cause some disruption for patrons […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 07/17/2023 – Will Vote On Variance Requests For Residential Fence, Parking Lot Expansion

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 07/17/2023 at 7PM. They will be taking up two variance requests. The first is for a residence on Cherokee Drive. There is an existing 5- or 6-foot-tall fence in the front yard. That fence is in disrepair and […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Creation Of New Health Supervisor Position, Moves Coordinated Entry Specialist To Health Department From Community And Economic Development

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 07/12/2023. The item that took up the bulk of the meeting was the changes to the table of organization for the Health Department and the Community and Economic Development Department. This item was also voted on by […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Commercial Variance Process Services Contract With E-Plan Exam, Approves Kaleidoscope Academy Street Vacation, Receives June 2023 Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee met 07/10/2023. The meeting was brief, lasting just over 6 minutes. I have prepared a complete transcript of the meeting for download: The committee approved a contract amendment with E-Plan Exam, the company that manages most of Appleton’s commercial plan reviews, […]