Mayor Woodford To Present Two Mayoral Proclamations At 08/02/2023 Common Council Meeting – Breastfeeding Awareness Month And Creative Economy Week

Mayor Woodford will be presenting two mayoral proclamations during the 08/02/2023 Common Council meeting. With the first, he proclaims August 2023 to be Breastfeeding Awareness Month in Appleton and encourages “citizens to join healthcare and breastfeeding advocates in celebrating and promoting awareness of the benefits […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Unanimously Approves Appleton Conservancy Resolution – Deputy Director Kress Confirms Funds Generated By TIF District 13 Can Go Toward Park Development

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 8-R-23 which would create the Appleton Conservancy Park in Southpoint Commerce Park and would dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park for parkland, trailhead, and trail. Alderperson Katie […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses Liquor License Demerit Point Violations With Representatives From 5 Businesses

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items on the agenda was public appearances by representatives from several businesses who had received alcohol license demerit point violations for selling alcohol to minors. Appleton’s Municipal Code requires a licensee with between 25 and […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement Until 08/09/2023 Meeting So Gold Cross Representatives Can Attend

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items on the agenda was the Fire Department Ambulance Service Agreement With Gold Cross. This item had been discussed extensively at the 07/12/2023 committee meeting. One of the issues discussed was staffing levels on the […]

Finance Committee Votes 3-2 To Amend Resolution Expressing Support For Wisconsin Act 12 To Remove Names Of Individual Legislative Representatives, Insert Concerns Over Some Aspects Of Act 12

The Finance Committee met 07/24/2023. Beyond receiving a presentation on the 2022 Audit, they discussed and voted on Resolution 7-R-23 which expressed support for Wisconsin Act 12. The resolution as originally submitted, thanked, without caveat, a number of politicians for passing Act 12 which increased […]

Finance Committee Receives 2022 Audit Summary Presentation – Discusses 2 Compliance Findings Noted In Report

The Finance Committee met 07/24/2023. Around 20 minutes of the meeting was taken up with a presentation on the 2022 Audit and Executive Summary. The presentation was given by Leah Lasecki a CPA with CliftonLarsenAllen (CLA), LLP, the company that conducted the audit. CLA gave […]

Library Board Personnel And Policy Committee Meeting 07/27/2023 – Will Conduct Library Director’s Mid-Year Performance Evaluation

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 07/27/2023 at 10AM. The one item on the agenda is the Library Director’s 2023 Mid-Year Performance Evaluation. The meeting may be in closed session all allowed by state law which permits closed sessions when discussing personnel […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve Appleton Conservancy Resolution – Alderperson Siebers Warns Of Future Increased Staffing Costs Associated With Expanding Appleton Park System

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 07/24/2023. The one action item they took up was Resolution 8-R-23 to create Appleton Conservancy Park and dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park for trail, trailhead, and parkland. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) who authored the resolution […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 07/26/2023 – Will Vote On Variance From F Street Development For Recently Purchased In Southpoint Commerce Park, Deadline Extension For Central Park Development, Appleton Conservancy Resolution

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 07/26/2023 at 6:30PM. They have three action items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve a variance to the Deed Restrictions and Covenants in Southpoint Commerce Park to allow Hayden Properties/F Street Development to […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/26/2023 – Will Hold Demerit Point Violation Appearances For Businesses Convicted Of Selling Alcohol To Underage Persons, Vote For Second Time On Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/26/2023 at 5:30PM. The meeting will start out with Demerit Point Violation Appearance for five different establishments that were convicted of selling alcohol to underage persons. These violations were all related to a Police Department sting operation and […]