The Municipal Services Committee met 11/20/2023. They had a brief but, I thought, interesting discussion about the Bird E-Scooter program.
I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download.
Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) started the conversation out by saying that the scooters in District 1 had been a mess. “Scooters on the street. Scooters crossing sidewalks. Scooters everywhere.”
Alderperson Chris Croatt (District 14) said it was not only in District 1. The complaints he received were generally regarding improperly parked scooters that were blocking sidewalks. He wanted to know what the best way was for residents to address those concerns.
Director of Public Works Danielle Block said that complaints could be made via a phone number, an email address, and the Bird app.

Alderperson Kristin Alfheim mentioned that since College Avenue had been reconfigured and had bike lanes added, she had seen multiple people rider the scooters the wrong way (against the traffic) down the bike lanes. “[C]learly, that’s a big deal. I mean, I literally watch these people almost get picked off because no one’s looking for them coming that direction.” She wondered if Bird could include a warning or message on their app about that.
Alderperson Siebers said that communication with Bird stank. “I did have constituents call Bird, and there were problems.”
Director Block mentioned that the Bird program was ending for the season later that evening on 11/20/2023. Alderperson Siebers cheered, Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2) clapped in a more subdued manner, and it sounded like other people in the room not on camera also clapped or cheered. So, it sounded like some of the alderpersons might not necessarily be thrilled with Bird.
[I’m curious what other people think about the Bird scooters. I haven’t felt like the scooters have been much of an issue in my specific neighborhood. There have been a few times that I have come across Birds blocking the sidewalk, in which cases I simply moved them to the side. Particularly the times when I’ve seen them blocking the sidewalk on bridges, which is a hazard to parents with strollers and people in wheelchairs, I don’t see any reason to submit a complaint to Bird when I can simply move them off the sidewalk and set them on the street next to the curb. I think all members of the public should be aware that these items are out in public spaces, and it is your right to touch them and move them when they are in the way.
Regarding the concern raised about people riding scooters in the wrong direction down the bike lanes, I don’t believe that problem is unique to scooters. A good chunk of the people I see on bicycles in the bike lanes also ride against the traffic rather than with it. I would think it is more a problem with bike lanes in general than scooters specifically.]
View full meeting details and video here:
It’s truly unfortunate the alderpersons can’t understand that not everyone can afford an automobile to get around. Some people rely on scooters for a quick and inexpensive mode of transportation to get groceries, go to appointments, work, etc. The inconvenience of a scooter parked in a different spot shouldn’t override the benefits these scooters provide.