The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 11/20/2023 at 4:30PM.
They will be voting on requests to approve the design parameters for the Perkins Street reconstruction project between Prospect Avenue to the railroad tracks and the Morrison Street reconstruction between Glendale Avenue and Pershing Street. The public hearings on the designs were held 11/06/2023.
The residents on Perkins Street generally opposed the plans and several of them specifically objected to the installation of sidewalks. It does not, however, look like any changes have been made to the proposed design after the residents provided their feedback which aligns with another concern residents had that the city was going to go ahead and do what it wanted to do regardless of their feedback.

The committee will also be voting on a request to extend Boldts’ street occupancy permit related to the Fox Commons City Center construction project. It had initially only been approved to go through 12/31/2023 but they are now asking for it to remain in place through 02/29/2024.
Finally, they will be voting on Resolution 12-R-23 which calls to close the Whitman yard waste site. [My impression is that the residents who are aware of this resolution are more opposed to it than in favor of it. I’ll be curious to see if anybody attends the meeting to speak against it.

View full meeting details here:
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