The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/23/2023 at 4:30PM.
There are three items on the agenda that I could see resulting in detailed discussion.
The first is the request from Appleton Downtown Inc for free ramp and meter parking on Small Business Saturday. This item had initially been approved unanimously by the committee with no discussion but was then referred back to the committee for further discussion by Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) who indicated on her aldermanic blog that she would like to have more details about how offering free parking would impact the city’s parking utility which has experienced financial struggles over the last few years.
The second is the appeal from a residential property owner on Sixth Street wanting to install a driveway extension. He wants to widen his front driveway 12’ and 4” into the front yard even though municipal code only allows driveways to be widened 4’ into the front yard. The current driveway does not have enough depth for a vehicle to park on it, and widening it toward the side yard away from the front yard would have the same problem. The property owner would like to widen it to the west and extend it alongside the garage to provide a paved area for a car to park rather than vehicles having to park on the grass. This is particularly desirable because there is no on-street parking allowed along Sixth Street. Per the memo from the Inspections, Public Works, and Community and Economic departments, “Staff does not support this plan because paving the front yard of a residential property is not consistent with Appleton’s community standards for front yards.”
The third is Resolution 11-R-23 which, if passed as written, would allow overnight parking on city streets with the purchase of a monthly permit.
Additionally, the committee will be voting on a street occupancy permit from Appleton Downtown Inc to host the Holiday Tree Walk in November and a request to move a small building from Wilson Elementary School to a different property owned by Appleton Area School District on Winnebago Street.
View full meeting details here:
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