Municipal Services Committee Meeting 09/25/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution Pertaining To Alternate Lawe Street Truck Route

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 09/25/2023 at 4:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda.

The first is Resolution 10-R-22 regarding an alternate to the Lawe Street truck route. The resolution as written called for city staff to “explore removing the Truck Route designation from Lawe Street between College Avenue and Hancock Street, and finding an alternate route for truck traffic to travel north and south.” It was introduced in August of 2022 and referred to the Department Of Public Works because the reconstruction of Lawe Street had not yet gotten underway.

The Lawe Street reconstruction project is scheduled to happen in 2025 and 2026. The initial scoping discussions for the project did include the exploration of removing the Truck Route designation. Additionally, staff held a listening session with residents in which they asked what about the truck route impacted them the most and whether there were features that could mitigate residents’ concerns about the truck route.

Although, upon review, city staff is recommending that the Truck Route designation for Lawe Street remain, the reconstruction project will incorporate a number of pedestrian accommodations and traffic calming measures.

Given that the resolution did not actually call for the elimination of the Truck Route designation but rather just called for its elimination to be explored as an option, and given that city staff have conducted such an evaluation, city staff are recommending that the resolution be approved and that the information presented in the memo be considered as having fulfilled the aims of the resolution.

The committee will also be voting on a request to approve parking restriction changes on the 700 block of E Arnold Street. In response to feedback from residents, the city conducted a 6-month trial removing the existing 2 hour parking restriction in that area. Staff is now recommending the changes be made permanent.

View full meeting details here:

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