Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 09/13/2023 – Will Vote On License Fee Increases, Changes To Fire Prevention And Protection Chapter Of Municipal Code

The Safety and Licensing Committee will be meeting 09/13/2023 at 5:30PM.

Outside of a few alcohol license applications, they will be voting on license fee changes and revisions to Chapter 6 of the Appleton Municipal Code which pertains to Fire Prevention and Protection.

The license fee changes include a number of increases for beer, liquor, and bartender (operator) licenses as well as some other areas. These increases “more accurately reflect the administrative costs incurred by the City in processing license applications,” although they will still not be enough to allow the city to entirely recoup the cost of processing the applications.

The changes to the Fire Prevention and Protection chapter of the municipal code are intended “to keep current with emerging technologies, practices” and better align areas of Chapter 6 “with industry best practices or other areas of the ordinances.” The changes include adopting the 2021 edition of the International Fire Code.

Finally, the committee will be receiving the normal information items it reviews including special events and reports from the City Clerk, the Police Chief, and the Fire Chief.

View full meeting details here:

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