Municipal Services Committee Meeting 08/07/2023 – Will Receive Complete Streets Study Presentation From ALTA, Vote On Terrace Occupancy Permit From Homeowner Seeking To Maintain Existing Fence In Terrace

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 08/07/2023 at 4:30PM.

They will be receiving a presentation from ALTA on the Complete Streets Planning and Design Study. Back in February of this year, ALTA was awarded a sole source contract to review and update the city’s Complete Streets Policy.

The committee will also be voting on a terrace occupancy permit request for a house on Badger Avenue to keep an existing 4-foot fence, lilacs, landscaping stones, and pavers in the street terrace. Per the memo to the committee, staff is concerned about the heigh of the fence and the size of the lilacs because these items are within the vision triangle for the corner and also exceed three feet in height.

[For what it’s worth, since the new terrace policy was updated in November of 2022, I have only seen people apply for terrace occupancy permits in order to maintain fences that encroach into the public right-of-way. I have not yet seen anybody apply for a terrace occupancy permit in order to facilitate a garden which was ostensibly the reason why the policy was expanded in the way it was.]

The last couple action items are two street occupancy permits.

Finally, as information items, the committee will be receiving information on proposed table of organization changes for the traffic division and the July 2023 Bird E-Scooter Report.

View full meeting details here:

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