Two special meetings are scheduled ahead of the Common Council meeting on 08/03/2023.
The first is a special meeting of the Finance Committee at 6:15PM.
The committee will be voting on a request to award a repair and maintenance contract for the Green, Red, and Yellow parking ramps to Restoration Systems, Inc for a project total not to exceed $700,000.
The second is a special meeting of the Human Resources and Information Development Committee at 6:30PM.
That committee will be voting on a request to award Appleton’s website redesign for $92,500 to a company called Revize. This contract is the result of Resolution 2-R-22, which sprang out of Resolution 8-R-20. Back in August of 2021, the Common Council approved Resolution 8-R-20 which called for the city to conduct a brand study and create an implementation plan for that rebranding effort. It was passed in conjunction with the allocation of $500,000 in excess general fund dollars to be used for the study and the rebranding effort. The rebranding effort stalled when questions were raised about the quality of the proposal by, Unlisted LLC, the company that staff had recommended be awarded the brand study contract, and Unlisted ended up withdrawing from consideration.
Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) ended up introducing Resolution 2-R-22 which took the $500,000 initially allocated for the brand study and implementation and reallocated it for a website redesign, the enhanced crosswalk program, and city technology upgrades. That resolution ended up being approved after some amendment in March of 2022.
Now, a year and a half later, IT Director Corey Popp is asking for the public website redesign contract to be awarded to Revize. Revize was one of four finalists out of nine applicants. Per the memo, “a significant majority of City representatives agreed that Revize presented the best public website solution.”

View full meeting Finance Committee meeting details here:
View full Human Resources and Information Technology Committee meeting details here:
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