The City Plan Commission is meeting 05/24/2023 at 3:30PM.
The most interesting item on the agenda is probably the information item which is an overview of a new proposed Tax Increment Financing District in Southpoint Commerce Park. The overview appears to give background on what TIF districts are and how they work. None of the Power Point slides seem to specifically address why creating a TIF district for Southpoint Commerce Park is a good idea, but hopefully that will be discussed at the meeting.

In addition to the information item, the commission will be taking up several action items.
They will be voting on two special use permits, one for an axe throwing business with alcohol sales and consumption near the corner of Oneida Street and Northland Avenue, and one for a bar and grill on E Newberry Street. [While there has been some amazement or vexation expressed at the number of car washes that have been going up across Appleton, I am curious to find out how many axe throwing/escape room establishments our city can support. I would have thought it was only the one we currently have on College Avenue, but apparently, at least one business owner believes there is room enough for another.]

The commission will be voting on a request to rezone the Future Providence Avenue and Baldeeagle Drive Annexation from being a Temporary AG Agricultural District to a P-I Public Institutional District.
Finally, the commission will be voting on a request to approve the Villas at Meade Pond Final Plat.
View full meeting details here:
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