The Municipal Services Committee met 04/24/2023.
They were supposed to received a memo about and vote on a contract for the College Avenue Lane reconfiguration pavement marking project. This would have been the contract related to the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration pilot project that was approved by the Common Council on 04/05/2023.
The Public Works Department had planned to open bidding for the project on 04/20/2023 and to have a final recommendation to bring to the committee on 04/24/2023; however, Public Works Director Danielle Block told the committee, “We do not have a memo tonight to distribute. We are going to be reworking the request for quotes and ask that the item be held tonight in order to just hone in on some of the specifications within the contract. So, in two weeks, you would see this again, again with a memo to be distributed at that meeting. Anticipating opening the quotes the Thursday prior to the meeting again.”
The committee voted 5-0 to hold the item for 2 weeks until the next Municipal Services Committee meeting on 05/08/2023.

View full meeting details and video here:
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