Board Of Health Meeting 02/08/2023 – Will Receive Numerous Information Updates Including 3rd And 4th Quarter Reports And Designation Of Dangerous Dog

The Board of Health is meeting 02/08/2023 at 7AM.

There are no action items but there are a number of information items including reviews of the 2022 3rd and 4th quarter reports, an adjustment to the Health Department’s Table of Organization, approved noise variances, and a dangerous animal declaration. [I’m sure the last item is one that will promote a sense of wellbeing in Appleton residents. A pit bull was involved in 2 unprovoked attacks, one against another dog and one against its own owner, but rather than having the dog put down, the city is just requiring that the owner “comply with leashing, muzzling, and confinement requirements of City of Appleton Municipal Code Section 3-132”.]

Those items all seem fairly understandable, but there are also two items that are a little more mysterious or confusing. One is listed as the “Appleton Health Department Newsletter”. I don’t know what that is, and I guess I missed that there was a health department newsletter.

The second is “Presentation of Level III Health Department Designation to the Appleton Health Department by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services”. It’s not clear to me based on the agenda if this is a presentation about what a Level III Health Department Designation entails or if this is some kind of ceremony in which a Wisconsin Department of Health Services representative formally presents a certificate to the Board of Health indicating that Appleton’s health department has a Level III designation. One could read the agenda item either way.

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