Common Council Meeting 01/18/2023 – Will Receive Library Project Design Update

The Common Council is meeting 01/18/2023 at 7PM. The item on the agenda probably of most interest to the public is the Library Project update. The Library Board was told back in December that the scope of the project was being reduced and that the […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Discusses Housing Affordability Report – Building Permits, Fees, And New Approved Dwelling Units All Up From Previous Years

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 01/11/2023. The meeting was not particularly long, clocking in at a little over 20 minutes. Slightly more than half of that was taken up with discussion about the annual updates to the housing Affordability Report and the Housing […]

Library Board Meeting This Afternoon 01/17/2022 – Will Discuss “The Complicated Role Of The Modern Public Library”

The Library Board is meeting this afternoon, 01/17/2023, at 4:30PM. There are just a couple routine action items consisting of approving the December 2022 bill register and a budget amendment. The one information item is the President’s Report which consists of a Trustee Development training/discussion. […]